Though Rhodochrosite has a very pretty color, it is not a durable gemstone because of its low hardness. It is easily scratched, and care must be ensured to preserve it. Much of the banded form of Rhodochrosite comes from Argentina, where
the Rhodochrosite forms as stalagmites and stalactites in ancient Inca Silver mines and caves.
Banded Rhodochrosite is used as beads for bracelets and necklaces, and may also be cut and polished into cabochons. The rare and transparent deep-red form is very difficult to obtain, and is occasionally cut into a rare and exotic collectors gemstone
Rhodochrosite gemstones are not treated or enhanced.
Most gemstone Rhodochrosite originates in Catamarca, Argentina. The Sweet Home Mine in Colorado and the Wudong Mine in China have produced gemmy clear Rhodochrosite. Other sources include South Africa, Peru, and Japan.
Rhodonite is much harder and usually contains black banding, and
Thulite is harder.
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