Linarite is a minor ore of copper where it exists in large copper deposits.
Good European localities of Linarite include Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England; the Baccu Locci and Montevecchio Mines, on the island of Sardinia, Italy; and Linares, Spain, which is the locality this mineral was named after. In Africa it was found in Tsumeb,
Namibia; and in Goulmina and Mujurum, Morocco. South American Linarite occurrences are Serra de Capitillas, Argentina; and Las Condes, Copiapo, and Chuquicatama,
In the U.S., some of the the largest Linarite crystals have come from the Mammoth-St. Anthony Mine in Tiger, Pinal Co., Arizona. Also in Arizona are the copper mines at Bisbee, Cochise Co.; and the Grand Reef Mine, Klondyke, Graham Co. One of the most famous occurrences of this mineral is the Blanchard Mine in Bingham, Socorro Co., New Mexico. California Linarite localities include Cerro Gordo and Darwin, Inyo Co.; and at the Blue Bell claims, Baker, San Bernardino Co.
Azurite - Harder, lighter in weight, effervesces in hydrochloric acid.
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