Norberite is used as a collectors mineral, mostly for collectors specializing in fluorescent minerals.
Norbergite is not a common mineral and is found only in a limited amount of localities worldwide. The type locality where this mineral was first described is the Östanmossa mine, Norberg, Västmanland, Sweden. The marbles of Mogok, Burma (Myanmar) have produced large gemmy crystals of Norbergite.
The Franklin marble district in New Jersey has produced some of the best collectible examples of this mineral, especially at the Limecrest Quarry, Sparta, Sussex Co., where it formed in well-shaped, flesh-colored crystals. Norbergite is one of the important fluorescent minerals from the Franklin Mine, Sussex Co., New Jersey, where it formed in yellow to brown embedded grains. A new housing development on Whispering Woods Lane behind the Sterling Hill Mine in Ogdensburg, New Jersey, had produced a one-time find of good Norbergite during an excavation. Norbergite has also been found across the border in Amity, Orange Co., New York.
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